Turkey Tail and Venison Bone Broth

This turkey tail and venison bone broth is made from foraged turkey tail mushrooms (Trametes versicolor) and is a delicious drinkable health tonic!
Be sure to properly identify turkey tails as there are many lookalikes out there. This article will help you properly identify: https://practicalselfreliance.com/turkey-tail-mushroom/
I called for venison bone broth in this recipe. It can be made by simmering roasted meaty venison bones for up to 24 hours to create a healthy broth. If you don’t have venison broth, feel free to use any homemade broth, whether it’s mushroom, veggie, beef, chicken, waterfowl, turkey, etc.
- Prep Time10 min
- Cook Time4 hr
- Total Time4 hr 10 min
- Yield6-8 cups
- Cuisine
- Course
- Drinks
- Soup
- Cooking Method
- Simmering
- 1 cup fresh or dried turkey tail mushroom (Trametes versicolor)
- 8 cups (2L) venison bone broth OR other homemade broth
- 1 large onion, skin on, halved
- 1 large head garlic, halved
- 1 large carrot, unpeeled, halved lengthwise
- 1 stalk celery
- 2 scallions
- 1 6-inch piece burdock root, peeled and halved lengthwise (optional)
- 3 dried shiitake mushrooms OR any other dried edible mushrooms
- 10 peppercorns
- 1/2 teaspoon prickly ash berries (optional)
- 2 small sprigs fresh thyme
- Kosher or sea salt to taste
Add everything except the thyme and salt to a large pot.
Slowly bring to a simmer.
Keep at a bare simmer for 2 hours, then add the thyme sprigs and simmer for another 2 hours on very low heat.
Add a cup or two of water or broth if the liquid level seems to be getting low.
Strain the broth through a fine meshed strainer.
Add salt, stirring in small amounts at a time until you’re happy with the flavour.
Enjoy immediately, or transfer into jars and keep refrigerated for a few days, or freeze for a few months.
This should be enjoyed warm or hot as a sipping soup or beverage.