hugh and me


My good friend and neighbour James Colley approached me a while back to write the story of an incredible trip he took as a youth, using old journal entries, handwritten notes, and verbal discussion. I compiled it into a novel, telling the hilarious story of Jim at 14 years old, driving around Europe and Africa in the 70s, in a stick-shift VW Van with his quirky and cantankerous great uncle Hugh. Jim worked as navigator and spotter for the man since he couldn’t turn his head due to an old neck injury.

It was a pleasure to write and together I think we produced a fun, entertaining, hilarious, and easy-to-read novel. If you’ve enjoyed the author Bill Bryson in the past, I think you’ll love this book!

The book is called Hugh and Me and is available on Amazon. I’d really appreciate your support; this is my first foray into book writing and hopefully won’t be the last.



Buy the book here:

Canadian – Hugh and Me

American – Hugh and Me