Chettinad Style Pike Steaks
These Chettinad style pike steaks are done in a south Indian style, where fish steaks get rubbed down with a pungently spicy paste and shallow fried.
These Chettinad style pike steaks are done in a south Indian style, where fish steaks get rubbed down with a pungently spicy paste and shallow fried.
This spruce tip syrup is easy to make and is makes the perfect addition to desserts, confections, and cocktails!
Spruce salt is made by harvesting young, tender spruce tips in the spring, blending them with coarse sea salt or kosher salt and letting it dry.
These steamed artichokes with garlic-spruce aioli make for the perfect appetizer or light lunch. The aioli is made with freshly foraged spruce tips!
This Sichuan springtime stir fry utilizes delicious spring produce and foraged wild edibles to create a delicious seasonal specialty!
This ohitashi, a Japanese dish of greens steeped in dashi broth, is a great side for any Japanese dinner and can be made with store bought or wild greens!
VIDEO – This video will show you how to harvest and cook stinging nettle. After harvesting some near a creek, I take it home and make a nettle and ricotta pasta!
This Dandelion Salade Lyonnaise is a spin on the bistro classic from Lyon, France, where it is usually made with curly endive or frisée.
These bullhead BLT’s are a wonderful way to enjoy spring-caught bullhead catfish, aka mudcats. The beer-battered fried fish goes great on BLTs!
This Greek mutton or lamb dish from Crete utilizes foraged wild greens and an avgolemono sauce to achieve perfect balance and deliciousness!
This wild greens saag can be made from any foraged wild greens you find in the spring, including dandelion, garlic mustard, nettles, ramps, etc.
These oven-fried pig tails get braised, coated in panko, and then baked in the oven until super crispy. Doused in a sweet and spicy sauce, they’re amazing!
This cattail shoot ‘sunomono’ salad, was inspired by the Japanese cucumber sunomono salad due to the cooling cucumber flavour of the cattail shoots.
This springtime wild soba soup turns common foraged greens found in the springtime into a hearty, healthy, and delicious Japanese-inspired soup!
This wild greens mac and cheese is a decadent and delicious way to incorporate wild greens like nettles, dandelions, garlic mustard, etc. into your diet!
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