4 jars of diced tomatoes
Cooking skills

How to Can Diced Tomatoes for the Freezer

This easy instructional will show you how to preserve your summer bounty of tomatoes into a useful product you can use later. You’ll be thanking your past-self for the work done when you pop open a jar in February and feel the summer sunshine cascading out!

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How to Make Kimchi

How to Make Kimchi

Despite the number of steps involved, making kimchi at home isn’t very hard! Lacto-fermented foods like this kimchi are very healthy, full of probiotics and fibre while being low in calories!

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Cucumber pickles fermenting in jar

How to Make Fermented Dill Pickles

Rather than pickling in a vinegar solution, these cucumbers get lacto-fermented to develop their sour flavour. Kept in the fridge or a cool cellar, these pickles will last for months; that’s if you don’t eat them all right away!

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